Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nogle Allepiyyav - Lady Fish Curry

When I had blogged about "Smelts", many of you asked me if it's ladyfish/muddusha/nogle/kane etc. I had replied they were not and also had added that I don't think I would ever see lady fish in this part of the world. Well, they say never say never.

I went to the Indian stores the other day. The owner is from Kerala who stocks up some awesome seafood. He is as enthusiastic about seafood as I am. He introduced a packet of lady fish to me by its Malayalam name. Seeing my blank face, he translated them as "lady fish" or "kane (kaa-nay)" and the light bulb went on. He did get that animated reaction from me that he was hoping to see. :-D It indeed is a rare delicacy.

When I got my frozen packet of pre-cleaned lady fish, I knew exactly that I would make three delicacies. Fried fish, Alley-piyyavu, and Ras -GoLichi Aamti. Today's special - Nogle Alley Piyyav.

Note the name of the same fish changes depending on the recipe I am following. The same lady fish is called Nogli in Konkani speaking GSB household while it's called "Muddusha/मुडदूशा " in Marathi speaking GSB household.

Nogle Allepiyyav
Lady fish Curry - South Canara Style
20-25 lady fish
salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
2 green chilies, slit
1 1/2 tbsp. finely minced onion
1/2 tbsp. finely minced ginger

Grind to a fine paste
1 cup fresh coconut
7-8 byadgi chilies
2 Kashmiri chilies for color
1 tsp tamarind paste

Coconut oil

1. Clean, rinse lady fish.
2.  Marinate with salt, turmeric powder, chilies, onion and ginger. Set aside.
3. Grind coconut with remaining ingerfedients, added water as needed. Make a fine paste.
4. Place fish - along with the marinade,  in a single layer in a saucepan
5. Pour ground masala. Add water to adjust the consistency.
6. Cook on medium heat.
7. As the curry boils, switch gas to low.
8. Drizzle few drops of coconut oil and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
9. Serve with plain rice.

Note -
1. Alle - Piyyav means ginger-onion combo. This curry is mild in taste. It is generally made for the mild tasting fish like pomfret, lady fish, mandeli etc.
2. Make sure that your ground masala is very fine.
3. Adjust tamarind proportion per your liking. If using tamarind ball, you may have to soak to extract the pulp.

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