Friday, February 15, 2013

Kumta Masala Phow

My grandmother had some relatives in Kumta. So every year, when they visited Mumbai, they always brought Kumta Masala. My grandmother used to make phovvu/Pohe and onion-potato curry with this masala. Over the years, we forgot about this masala completely.
As a part of Arusuvai chain, my friend, Maya had sent me this masala. Her blog also features the recipe for this masala. As I opened her packet, it took me back to my grandmother's kitchen.
When I had gone to India, my Mami casually mentioned about this Kumta Masala. My mami was almost taken aback with my enthusiasm about this masala. She said that she wasn't aware of my passion for this masala else she would have sent it over to me long back. Anyways, I am glad to report that I am a proud owner of my own stash of this Kumta Masala in my pantry. But do visit Maya's blog and check out the recipe for making your own Kumta Masala at home.
Kumtya Masala Phow
Flattened Rice - Kumta style
3-4 fistfuls thin pohe
1 fist freshly scraped coconut
1 small onion, chopped
2 tbsp cilantro, chopped
1 tbsp Kumta Masala
1 - 2 tbsp powdered/grated jaggery
salt to taste
1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice or as needed
Teekh Sev/1 seva malle
1. Roast thin poha on a low flame till they are crisp but do not  let change color of the poha.
2. Mix all the remaining ingredients except sev and knead it till it's mixed nicely.
3. Garnish with spicy, red sev in the individual bowls.
Note -
1. Do not use thick poha for this recipe.
2. Spicy, red sev is an integral part of this recipe.
3. You can use additional coconut for garnish if you wish.
4. This proportion will serve 2 - 4 people based on the appetite.
5. Though not traditional, I sometimes add roasted peanuts to this recipe. If you like, mix with all the ingredients.

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