Sunday, June 7, 2015

CKP Egg Curry


I remember eating this curry at my friend's house when I was in school. CKP community loves their seafood, chicken and mutton. A typical CKP household will surely have mutton every Sunday. I remember my friend's mom would welcome us serving many CKP delicacies. and once when we dropped in unannounced - there was no special (read: non-vegetarian) menu -  she made this delicious impromptu curry. A uniqueness of this curry is that eggs are not boiled first. They are broken right into the boiling curry.  So it's more like a poached egg curry. I was watching the food network the other day where chef Ann Burrel made poached eggs. She added vinegar to the water. So I modified my friend's mom's recipe and added a spoonful of vinegar.
CKP Egg Curry
4 raw eggs
1 cup coconut milk
1 tsp vinegar (optional)
1/2 tsp mild chili powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tbsp. oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 small tomato, chopped
1 tbsp. ginger-garlic-green chili paste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
2 green chilies, slit (optional)
2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped
1. Heat oil in a wide saucepan. Add onion, turmeric powder. Sauté till onion is soft.
2. Add ginger-garlic-green chilies paste and tomatoes. Sauté for 2 minutes.
3. Add all the spices and 2 cups water. Bring to a rapid boil
4. Add spoonful of vinegar - if using. Add coconut milk.
5. Switch gas to medium. Break one egg at a time, carefully into the boiling curry.
6. Let it cook for 10 minutes.
7. Switch gas to low. Add slit green chilies. Simmer for 5 minutes.
8. Switch off the gas. Cover and set aside for 5 more minutes.
9. Garnish with cilantro.
Note -
1. Be sure to take a wide container for making this curry. The eggs should be in a single layer.
2. Instead of coconut milk, you can add ground coconut to get a coarse texture for the curry.

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