Sunday, June 14, 2015

Andyacha PoLa - Fried Egg Indian style


My grandmother was a pesco-vegetarian per her family's GSB beliefs. So she consumed fish along with vegetarian diet. But she didn't eat eggs. My grandfather was a strict vegetarian. Back in the day, theirs was a rare inter-caste marriage. What I find endearing is the fact that, my grandfather encouraged my grandmother to cook and eat seafood though he never touched it. There was no restriction on her to change her food habits because his food habits were different and vice versa. But later my grandfather had a car accident. He became quite weak and Doctor prescribed "an egg a day" remedy for him. My grandmother -who had never touched an egg, started making egg and of course, her children eagerly started devouring eggs. As soon as my grandfather recovered, he resumed back to his vegetarian diet. But my grandmother kept cooking eggs once in a while for her kids. Now, dosa is called "PoLa" in Marathi/Konkani. So my grandmother started calling simple omelet as "Andyacha PoLa".

Andyacha PoLa
2 eggs
2 tbsp. milk
salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp. minced onion (optional)

Ghee/Toop for frying

1. Whisk eggs, milk, salt, turmeric powder and onion - if using.
2. Heat ghee/toop/clarified butter in a small saucepan.
3. Add half of the batter. Drizzle more ghee if desired.
4. Cover and let it cook.
5. Flip and cook on the other side.
6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 for the remaining batter.

Note -
1. Do use clarified butter for this recipe.

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