Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snicker doodle Cookies

 Every early December, I start looking (or rather scouring books) for new cookie recipes. This year, while I was marking such recipes, I found this snicker doodle recipe right under my nose! It was on the back of King Arthur Brand bread Flour. So I decided to try it.

Snicker Doodle Cookies

1/2 cup butter, soft
3/4 cup sugar

1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt

1  1/3 cup All Purpose Flour/Bread Flour

Mix in a separate container
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon powder

1. Preheat oven
2. Beat butter and sugar.
3. Add egg, vanilla , baking powder and salt.
4. Now, add all purpose flour.
5. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a separate container.
6. Make uniform balls.
7. Roll them in the sugar cinnamon mixture.
8. Place them on a parchment lined baking tray.
9. Take a drinking glass of 1" base diameter and flatten each ball with the bottom of the glass.
10. Bake for 8 - 10 minutes.

1. Makes 3 dozen cookies.


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Friday, February 27, 2015

Breadfruit & Peas Curry

Vilayat means foreign in Marathi. So Vilayati Fanas means foreigner jackfruit which is otherwise known as breadfruit in English. Fresh breadfruit is available in many south American stores or it's also available in the frozen section of Indian stores.

Vilayati Fanasachi bhaaji
Breadfruit +White Peas Curry
1/2 lb breadfruit pieces, I used frozen
1/2 cup white peas sprouts
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp. jaggery

Grind to a smooth paste
1/2 cup fresh coconut
1 tbsp. coriander seeds, roasted
5-6 black peppercorn, roasted
1/2 tbsp. tamarind pulp

1/2 tbsp. oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp asafetida
2 springs curry leaves

1. Pressure cook white peas sprouts adding turmeric powder and water.
2. Pour cooked peas and breadfruit in a saucepan. Add ground masala.
3. Add water to get the desired consistency.
4. Add salt and jaggery. Bring to boil. Let it simmer.
5. In a separate saucepan, add oil. Splutter mustard seeds, asafetida and curry leaves.
6. Drizzle over the curry. Switch off the gas.

Note -
1. The consistency of this curry should be thick.
2. Since I used the frozen bread fruit, it didn't take any time to cook. Do not overcook.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Patty Pan Saute

Patty Pan squash has now become a regular in my daily cooking. Of course, they are available only during summer - fall. Last time, I just sautéed them along with oven roasted tomatoes. Gudiya asked for seconds and thirds!

Patty Pan Saute
12 baby patty pan, quartered
2 tbsp. oven roasted tomatoes in oil
black pepper powder

1. Heat cast iron skillet
2. Add oven roasted tomatoes with oil.
3. Add patty pan and sauté on a medium flame.
4. Keep stirring from time to time, till cooked and crispy.
5. Sprinkle salt and pepper.

Note -
If you like it spicy, add a pinch of crushed red pepper

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Kale Daal

I like to sneak in some leafy greens in our daily meals. I don't get traditional Indian leafy greens. If I am lucky, sometimes, I get fresh methi or gongura at Indian stores. So I use the American leafy greens.

Kale is very good for health but it's little chewy/rough. But in combination with chard and spinach, it tastes good. I buy this packet of deep greens troika (Kale+Spinach+Chard). It makes a delicious daal soup with rice.

Kale Daal
Daily Daal with Kale
3 cups Kale+Spinach+Chard - roughly chopped
3/4 cup toor daal
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
A pinch of asafoetida

Roast and grind
2 tbsp. fresh coconut
1/2 tbsp. coriander seeds
4-5 byadgi chilies, or per taste
7-8 black peppercorn
1/2 tbsp. tamarind pulp

2 tsp oil
4-5 garlic cloves, smashed

1. Pressure cook daal with turmeric powder and asafetida. In a separate container, pressure cooked, roughly chopped leafy greens.
2. Roast the spices and coconut one after the other. Grind to a paste adding tamarind and adequate water.
3. Mash cooked daal and greens lightly. Pour into a saucepan. Add ground masala paste. Adjust water.
4. Bring to boil. Add salt to taste. Let it simmer.
5. In a separate saucepan, heat oil. Add garlic cloves. Fry till they are golden brown. Drizzle tempered oil along with garlic cloves over daal.
6. Cover and switch off gas.
7. Serve with your daily meal or as a soup.

Note -
1. I generally add more leafy greens compared to daal. You may decide your own proportion per personal preference.

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo

Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo with Patty Pan Sauté
Gudiya loves Italian food more than anything else. So I try to recreate her favorite restaurant dishes at home.
Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo
2 1/2 Servings Fettuccine Noodles,
15 shrimp, deveined, cleaned
1 tbsp. pesto (store bought or home made)
salt and black pepper as needed
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. spring onions, chopped
1/2 tbsp. garlic, minced
2 tbsp. all purpose flour
1 cup milk
1. Clean and devein shrimp. Marinate with pesto, salt and pepper
2. Cook fettuccine according to the directions. Set aside.
3. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan.
4. Add garlic and spring onion. Sauté till soft. Let it not burn.
5. Add all purpose flour and keep on stirring till it turns a shade darker.
6. Add marinated shrimp and stir fry for a minute.
7. Add milk. Keep on stirring till it reaches thick sauce consistency.
8. Add cooked pasta. Mix well till the sauce coats the pasta.
9. Serve warm.
Note -
1. I use my trusty pasta ladle that has circles which indicate 1, 2 or 1/2 servings. I measure my pasta before putting in the boiling water to get the exact serving size.

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Pineapple Bundt Cake

I wanted to bake a cake and was looking for a simple from the box kind of recipe. The birthday girl didn't care for too much frosting. Pineapple Poke Bundt Cake from Dole was just right. Any simple cake recipe gets elevated to another level after baking in  bundt pan.

Pineapple Bundt Cake
Recipe from
1 box Yellow Cake
4 eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 Instant vanilla pudding
1 can (20oz)Crushed Pineapple, drained {Save the juice}
3/4 cup Pineapple Juice
1 tbsp. vanilla or pineapple extract

1 cup powdered sugar
1 tbsp. butter
Remaining Pineapple Juice
1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven 350 F
2. Beat yellow cake mix with oil, eggs, vanilla pudding, pineapple juice & extract. Stir in crushed pineapple.
3. Grease bundt pan. Pour the batter.
4. Bake for about 40 minutes or till the inserted toothpick comes out clean.
5. Mix powdered sugar, remaining pineapple juice and vanilla extract.
6. Poke the baked and still warm cake with a skewer. Drizzle the glaze all over the cake.
7. Invert the cake on to a serving platter.
8. Let it cool down.
9. Enjoy!

Note -
1. You can also use pineapple extract instead of vanilla extract.

Recipe Credit

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Tea infused Marbled Eggs - For Chinese New Year

Gudiya has several friends with Chinese heritage. So we knew way in advance that Chinese New Year was on the way. A friend also shared her delicacy - Steamed dumpling wrapped in Bamboo leaves yesterday(I have shared the picture on Twitter).

Gudiya wanted to make something special to chime in the Chinese New Year. We thought of making Marbled eggs. I took my friend's guidance and thought it can easily be done. Personally, I don't care for eggs but I love that intricate web-like pattern that gets formed on the eggs. I wanted to try it.

I didn't have any special Chinese tea at home, so I used just the regular tea that I had at home (Ahem, Wagh Bakri Chai!)

Tea Infused Marbled Eggs
4 eggs
Water as needed

To infuse the water
1 tbsp. Black Tea Powder
1 tbsp. Soy Sauce
1 knob of ginger
6 black pepper corn
1/2 tsp Chinese All Spice

1. Bring eggs to boil. Switch gas to low and simmer for 15 minutes to get hard-boiled eggs. Switch the gas off. Cover and let it cool down completely.
2. Take one egg out at a time. Thump it delicately on a chopping board so that all the shells look cracked. DO NOT PEEL THE SHELL.
3. Repeat step 2 for all the remaining eggs.
3. Discard water in which the eggs were boil. Take fresh water, enough to submerge the eggs completely. Do not add eggs yet. Add tea powder, soy sauce, ginger, peppercorn and Chinese All Spice. Bring to boil.
4. Now, drop the eggs carefully. Simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Switch off the gas. Cover and let it stand for 4-6 hours. Make sure that the eggs are submerged uniformly.
6. Take one egg out, and start peeling off the shell.

7. Look at that beautiful pattern on egg and also on the shell.
8. You can slice the eggs, or serve it whole - sprinkle some salt and pepper if you like.

Note -
1. You can add or omit the spices (peppercorn, all spice, ginger) per your preference. But Black Tea and Soy sauce are needed for infusion.
2. Since I didn't have any fancy Chinese Tea at home, I used "Wagh Bakri" Chai. :-D

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Magai Mukhwas

There are many recipes of "Mouth Fresheners" which are also known as Mukhwas in Gujarati. Today's recipe is called Magai Mukhwas because it contains Magai Paan. I have also given a picture of Magai Paan below. It is easily available in a container.
Magai Mukhwas
Mouth Freshener
1 cup Lucknow Fennel Seeds/Badishep/Variyali/Saunf
1 cup Roasted Dhana Daal
2 tbsp. white sesame seeds
2 tbsp. Magaj Tare/Magaj bee/Magaj Seeds/Watermelon seeds

7-8 Magai Paans, cut into small bite sized pieces

1. Pick all the ingredients for impurities.
2. Roast Lucknow Fennel Seeds on a low flame. Pour in a flat plate.
Lucknow Fennel Seeds
3. Roast dhana daal on a low flame. Pour in the same plate. Spread uniformly.
Dhana Daal
4. Roast white sesame seeds on a low flame. Pour in the same plate. Spread uniformly.
5. Roast magaj bee/peeled watermelon seeds on a low flame. Pour in the same plate. Spread uniformly.
Magaj Tare/Magaj Bee/Watermelon Seeds

6. Mix all the roasted ingredients. Add Magai Paan.
Magai Paan
7. Let it cool down completely.
8. Store in an airtight container for after meal accompaniment.

Note -
1. Regular fennel seeds are thick. Use Lucknow Fennel seeds variety.
2. Roasted Dhana daal is readily available at most of the Indian stores.
3. If you can't find Magaj Tare/Magaj Bee, substitute with peeled pumpkin seeds.
4. Some people also add desiccated coconut in this recipe. If using, roast it separately before adding. Also note that the coconut may turn rancid soon.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Watermelon Juice

I found some juicy watermelons on sale. So as usual, I got a little carried away. Later, there was a mad rush at home to use them in every possible way. Finally I came up with this simple juice that we consumed every morning till the melons were finally over!
Watermelon Juice
3 cups cut watermelons (Red part only)
1/2 cup cold water
2-3 ice cubes
1/2 tsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/4" ginger, peeled and chopped
Optional Garnish
A pinch of chaat masala
Few mint leaves
1. Add all the ingredients in a blender. Process.
2. Serve immediately.
3. Garnish with mint leaves and chaat masala if desired.
Note -
1. I think, sugar is not necessary but feel free to use, if you think otherwise.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Jeer-Mirya Idli

Jeera-Miri (Cumin Seeds & Black Peppercorns) make a wonderful combo and its coconut based cold curry is devoured in Konkani families called "Jeer-Mirya" Kadhi. The same combo flavors the usual idli batter  with a hint of coconut oil. The result is "Jeer-Mirya Idli".

Do serve with coconut oil for the authentic flavor. Drizzle, Drop or smear - you decide!

Jeer-Mirya Idli
Cumin Peppercorn steamed dumpling
1 recipe idli batter

Roast and pound coarsely
1 tsp. cumin seeds
10-12 black pepper corn

Coconut oil for greasing idli moulds

1. Prepare Idli batter as described here.
2. Roast cumin seeds and black peppercorns separately. Pound them to a coarse powder.
3. Stir in the powder in the idli batter.
4. Grease the idli mould using coconut oil.
5. Prepare idli by steaming.
6. Serve hot idlies with chutney of your choice and coconut oil on side.

Note -
1. Do not powder cumin seeds/peppercorns too finely.
2. Any oil of your choice can be used for greasing, however coconut oil gives the authentic flavor.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Mango Ricotta Muffins


I had a jar of Kissan Mango Jam sitting pretty in my fridge for a long time. I decided to use it in the lemon-ricotta recipe. My Mango-Ricotta muffins were well received by friends and family.

Mango-Ricotta Muffins
2 cups All Purpose Flour
 3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

1 cup ricotta cheese
1/3 cup milk
6 tbsp. melted butter
2 eggs
1/4 cup Kissan Mango Jam

1/4 cup white chocolate chips
Oil for greasing

0. Preheat oven 400 F
1. Mix the dry ingredients and set aside.
2. Whip the wet ingredients using hand mixer.
3. Mix wet and dry ingredients till moist.
4. Add 1/4 cup white chocolate chips
5. Line muffin tray with muffins wrappers. Grease them with an oil spray.
6. Pour the mixture.
7. Bake for about 20-25 minutes.
8. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Note -
1. Above recipe yields in about 15 muffins.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sandwich Masala

Some time back, a friend mentioned about a popular sandwich stall in Santa Cruz, Mumbai. I was even a lucky recipient of the signature sandwich masala powder. Generally when I make the street sandwich, I sprinkle a little bit of chaat masala or black pepper powder on the boiled potatoes. But after using this masala powder, I created my own version.

Mumbai Sandwich Masala
1 tsp cumin seeds, roasted
1/4 tsp cloves, roasted
1/2 tsp black peppercorns, roasted
A pinch of fennel seeds, roasted
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp Pink Himalayan salt or Rock Salt or Saindhav/Sindhav

1. Roasted whole spices one after the other. Let it cool down completely.
2. Powder to a fine powder, mixing cinnamon powder and salt.
3. Store in an airtight container.

1. Sprinkle this masala while making Mumbai Street Sandwiches.

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Vegetables in Green Curry

We Maharashtrians use green masala for making chicken, pomfret, egg, sprouts or even simple vegetable curry. The green masala is made by grinding a paste of cilantro, garlic, ginger, chilies and coconut. This time, I also added spinach to the gang , thus giving the curry, a deeper shade of green and a nutritional boost.

Khurma - Hirvya Masalyacha
Vegetables Green Curry
1 medium cauliflower, cut into florets
3-4 small potatoes, halved or cut into chunks
1 1/2 cup mixed vegetables (such as green peas, green beans, carrots, corn etc)
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms

1 can coconut milk
salt to taste
1 tsp garam masala

Grind to a smooth paste
1 bunch spinach, boiled
1/2 onion
4-5 garlic cloves, peeled
1 1/2" ginger, peeled
4 green chilies or per desired heat

1/2 tbsp. oil
1/2 onion, minced
1/4 tsp asafetida
1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1. Heat oil in a saucepan. Add asafetida, turmeric powder and onion. Sauté for a minute.
2. Add all the vegetables and 1/2 cup water. Cook till the vegetables are semi-cooked.
3. Grind spinach with remaining ingredients.
4. Add this green paste, garam masala, water and salt to the vegetables.
5. Add water as needed. Bring to boil.
6. Switch gas to low. Add coconut milk.
7. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Note -
1. Do not overcook the vegetables. All the vegetables - especially cauliflower - should retain their shape.

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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Palakwali Makke Di Roti - Spinach Corn Flatbread

Palakwali Makke di roti, Achar & Vegetable Korma



I love to sneak in vegetables in the traditional dishes. Many times these experiments turn out good enough to share on the blog. As I have mentioned before, I love using Mexican "Masa Harina" - (easily available in any supermarket) - for making our very own Makke Di Roti. I added some spinach to increase its nutritional value.

Palakwali Makke Di Roti
Spinach Corn Tortilla
2 cups Masa Harina (I use Bob's Red Mill brand)
1 cup shredded spinach
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1 1/2 cups hot water
1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
1/2 tsp cumin seeds - (Optional)

Oil or butter for roasting

1. Mix masa harina with salt, spinach, ginger-garlic paste and cumin seeds if using.
2. Make a well in the middle. Add hot water gingerly.
3. Knead into a soft dough. Cover and set aside for 1 hour.
4. Make 12 - 15 uniform balls.
5. Pat directly on a hot tawa/griddle or keep one ball between two plastic sheets and roll into a flat bread.

6. Cover and let it cook. Drizzle oil or butter.
7. Cook on both sides till brown spots appear.

Note -
1. You can also add 1/2 tsp ajwain/ajmo/owa in this mixure

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Damni Dhokla

Damni Dhokla is a unique dhokla from Gujarat where Handvo flour is made to make dhokla. Actually such interchange happens in Indian kitchens. My mom-in-law also uses khata dhokla flour to make handvo.

I spotted some pre-cut banana leaves while browsing our China town. They came handy as they serve as wrapper for making this dhokla.

Damni Dhokla
Multi grain Steamed cake wrapped in Banana leaves
1 1/4 cup handvo flour
1 cup buttermilk - preferably sour

1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp Gujarati pickle masala/sambar powder
1/2 tbsp. ginger-green chili paste
salt to taste
1/2 tbsp. sugar or jaggery
1/2 tbsp. white sesame seeds
1 cup surti lilva
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp. oil

A generous pinch of freshly ground black pepper

Oil for greasing/roasting

1. Mix handvo flour with buttermilk till there are no lumps. Adjust the quantity of buttermilk. Cover and set aside in a warm place for about 8 hours.
2. Stir in all the remaining ingredients except black pepper powder and oil for roasting/greasing. Adjust water to get a smooth  idli batter consistency.
3. Line dhokla plates or cooker containers with banana leaves.
4. Grease them with some oil and pour handvo batter.
5. Sprinkle some black pepper powder on top.
6. Steam for about 20 minutes without using weight.
7. Let it cool down. Cut into squares or diamonds.
8. Serve with green garlic chutney.

Note -
1. Damni Dhokla is traditionally served after steaming. I , however, shallow fried it as a variation. This step of shallow frying is not necessary.
2. Instead of Surti lilva, you can use grated cabbage, grated bottlegourd/dudhi or even green peas.
3. Handvo loat/flour is easily available at the Indian stores.

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Pudinewale Aloo - Minty Roasted Potatoes

I am presenting those ubiquitous roasted taters with an Indian twist.

Pudinewale Aloo
Minty Roasted Potatoes
25-30 Fingerling potatoes, scrubbed, halved

1 tbsp. oil
1/2 tsp turmeric powder

Grind to a smooth paste
10-12 fresh mint leaves/pudina
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
3-4 cloves of garlic
2 green chilies (optional)
salt to taste

A pinch of Amchoor powder
A pinch of chaat masala

1. Preheat oven 400 F
2. Grease a baking sheet lightly.
3. Rub turmeric oil all over potato halves uniformly. Arrange them in a single layer.
4. Bake for about 15-20 minutes.
5. Take out and smear mint paste all over the roasted potatoes.
6. Garnish with amchoor powder and chaat masala.

Note -
Instead of fingerling potatoes, baby potatoes can also be used.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bangdyache Saar - Mackrel Curry

Serve this simple broth like curry with a heap of plain rice.

Bangdyache Saar
Mackerel Curry
3 Indian mackerels, cleaned,
salt to taste
1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
1 tbsp. garlic paste
1 tbsp. kokum AgoL (Kokam pulp)

Grind to a smooth paste
1/2 cup freshly scraped coconut
10 red chilies, roasted lightly
1 tsp. coriander seeds, roasted lightly

1/2 tbsp. oil
2 tbsp. minced onion

1. Clean and rinse mackerels.
2. Marinate with salt, turmeric powder, garlic paste and kokum agoL.
3. Grind coconut, chilies and coriander seeds to a smooth paste, adding water as necessary.
4. Heat oil in a saucepan. Sauté onion till soft.
5. Place marinated mackerels in a single layer.
6. Pour ground coconut paste. Add water.
7. Bring to boil. Adjust for salt.
8. Simmer for 10 minutes.
9. Serve with plain rice.

Note -
1. If AgoL is not available, use kokum. If Kokum is not available, use tamarind.
2. This curry has thin consistency. Adjust water according to your preference.
3. This curry should be hot and sour.

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