Monday, July 1, 2013

Perennial Turmeric

Perennial Turmeric

After successfully growing turmeric in my container garden for several years, I planted some fresh turmeric roots in a small patch in our backyard. I loved those beautiful leaves that I used for making various GSB delicacies. But I didn't know that this turmeric would come back to life in spring. This is the second year now, when those dormant and almost dead turmeric plants during winter, bloom back.

Here in the United States, plants are divided into two categories - Perennial and Annual. These categories vary based on the geographic zone/location and corresponding weather conditions. For the tropical zones where it never snows, most of the plants are perennial. But for the rest, some plants die during winter and never come back so they are annuals and those which go dormant but come back are perennials. I never thought that our very own, tropical turmeric would survive the harsh winter and promptly start growing once weather has improved.

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