Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ravyache Ladoo

We have an onomatopoeic adjective to describe ravyache ladoo. We call it ravyache "bhusssss" ladoo. Probably this word came from the Marathi word - bhusbhusheet meaning crumbly. Unlike Raghavdas ladoo, these simple ladoos do not have coconut and hence, they get crumbled very easily. So they are known as "bhusssss" ladoos. I love them nevertheless.

My job was to recreate the recipe on a small or rather minuscule scale. In today's times of expanding waistlines, dietary precautions of less sugar/ghee and portion control, I make everything on a small scale. I like to make and feed traditional food to my family so when there are only 4-5 ladoos in the pantry, there is no question of overeating it. ;-)

Ravyache "bhusssss" Ladoo - (count 5)
Semolina Balls
1/2 cup fine rava/semolina
1/2 cup powdered sugar/peethi saakhar
2 tbsp ghee/toop/clarified butter

2 cardamoms, peeled & freshly powdered
A pinch of nutmeg powder, preferably freshly grated
5 raisins

1. Melt clarified butter in a heavy bottomed kadhai/wok. Fry raisins and set aside.
2. Add fine semolina and roast on low flame.
3. Switch off the gas. When the rawa is still warm, add sugar, raisins, cardamom and nutmeg powders.
4. Grease hands with clarified butter. Roll into ladoos of uniform shapes.

1. Do not let semolina burn. Make sure to roast on the low flame.

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