Sunday, March 17, 2013

Vegetable Omelet

A friend of mine during her first year in the United States ordered "Vegetable Omelet" on her "Monday" thinking it's omelet without eggs which, according to her was okay to eat on that day of the week. However, she was shocked to receive an egg omelet with many veggies in it. It takes time to figure out and get acquainted with and enjoy the food in any new country. but because of my friend's this vegetable omelet story, I started experimenting with my own version of vegetable omelet with eggs.

Vegetable Omelet
4 eggs
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste
A pinch of black pepper powder - freshly ground
2-3 green chilies, minced (depending on the desired heat)
1/2 cup finely shredded cabbage
1 tbsp finely minced spring onion
1 tbsp finely minced cilantro
2 tbsp finely chopped red onion

oil for frying

1 cup grated potatoes or frozen hash browns

1. Whisk eggs with salt, pepper and turmeric powder.
2. Add all the vegetables except potatoes.
3. Heat a pan. Drizzle some oil.
4. Pour 1/4th of the egg mixture. Place 1/4th of grated potatoes on top so they cover the egg mixture.
5. Cover and let it cook till the egg mixture appears to have set.
6. Drizzle some oil over the potatoes and flip on the other side.
7. Let it cook till potatoes are nicely browned.
8. Repeat the same procedure so you get 4 omelets in total.
9. Serve with tomato ketchup, toasted bread slices or wheat tortilla.

Note -
1. You may also add chopped bell peppers.

2. This recipe yields 4 omelets.

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