Friday, July 11, 2014

Mint Lassi

My mint plant has gone berserk. I know that the experienced gardeners always warn against adding mint to any veggie patch. They always advise to plant mint in a separate container because it grows like wild fire. But I had a tiny patch where I wasn't going to plant anything. So I purposely planted mint there. It amazes me how it goes dormant in winter and then shoots back up in spring.
I have been trying the usual suspects like mint chutney(with coconut, with yogurt ), mint pulao , mint kadhi as well as something refreshingly different like mint lassi and  fresh mint ice cream.
Pudinewali Lassi
Mint Buttermilk Shake
 12 fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped
2 cups buttermilk
A pinch of salt
A pinch of sugar
1/2 tsp roasted cumin powder
1/2 tsp chaat masala
1. Blend in the blender.
2. Serve chilled.
1. Adjust salt per taste. Chaat masala already has rock salt.

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