Friday, February 14, 2014

Eggless Chocolate French Toast Pudding

I had "French Toast" bread from Super Target. I generally don't use readymade breakfast breads so I decided to make my Aaji's pudding with a chocolaty twist.
Chocolate French Toast Pudding
4 slices, French Toast- breakfast bread from Super Target
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp. sugar
2 cups milk
1 tbsp. butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp. grated dark chocolate bar
1. Warm milk and 1/2 cup sugar.
2. Set aside from gas.
3. Crumble bread slices and add to the milk mixture along with butter.
4. Let it stand for 15 minutes. Add vanilla extract. Let it stand for another 5 minutes.
5. Add 1 tbsp. sugar in the pudding pot or pressure cooker container.
6. Heat on a medium heat till it caramelizes.
7. Pour break-milk mixture.
8. Drizzle grated chocolate all over the top.
9. Steam without using pressure/weight.
10. Serve warm pudding.
Note -
1. Since this bread already has sugar, adjust sugar per your liking.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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