Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tricolor Popsicles

I decided to pay tribute to the Indian Tricolor by juxtaposing three Indian patriotic colors.

Tricolor Popsicle
1 cup papaya or mango chunks, frozen
1 cup lychees, cut into chunks, frozen
1 cup kiwi, peeled, cut into chunks frozen

1 tsp sugar each, if required
1 tbsp coconut milk to make canned lychees whiter!

Kulfi or Popsicle molds - as needed

1. Blend frozen papaya or mango chunks, adding sugar if required. Place in the Popsicle mold. Freeze for at least 1/2 hour.
2. Rinse blender and blend frozen lychees adding coconut milk and sugar - if required. Place on top of the semi-frozen orange layer. Freeze for 1/2 hour.
3. Rinse the blender and blend kiwi chunks with sugar - if using. Place on top of the white layer. Cover the lids and freeze till set.
4. Serve and enjoy!

Note -
1. I used papaya for this recipe.
2. My lychees were from cans. So I drained them and soak them in water to get rid of the peculiar odor. I then chopped and froze them.
3. If any or all of your fruits are sweet, do not use sugar.

Happy Independence Day, India!

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