Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Chia Seeds Thepla - A flatbread with Chia Seeds

As I was parking in the parking lot of "Trader Joes'", a random thought came to my mind - Can chia seeds be cooked or are they meant to be eaten raw? What if I sneak them into making flatbreads or cakes? Even before I take my question to google, I found that the answer was staring right back at me from the shelf of Trader Joes.  Right there in front of me, was a pack of "Chia seeds tortilla". I conjured up this chia seeds flatbread with spices or thepla.

Chia Seeds Thepla - Count 12
Chia Seeds Flatbread with spices
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
salt to taste
1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp chile powder
1 tbsp coriander-cumin powder
2 tbsp minced cilantro
1 tsp oil
water as needed

oil for roasting

1. Mix all dry ingredients. Knead to a dough using water as needed. Add spoonful of oil and knead again.
2. Cover and set aside - preferably for 1/2 hour.

3. Make 12 uniform balls.
4. Dredging each ball into a flour as needed, roll into thin flatbread.
5. Roast onto a hot griddle/tawa/pan, using oil as needed. Make sure that there are brown spots on both the sides.

Note -
1. Wrap these roasted flatbreads in a clean kitchen napkin (cloth) till ready to use.

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