Sunday, May 11, 2014

Grilled or Roasted Mini Peppers


I always wanted to try these beautiful peppers. When we went for shopping, Gudiya was fascinated by the colors and she put a bag in the cart. I thought of roasting them.

These peppers are very mild. So if you are trying to use them for a spicy chutney, do add some chili powder to taste.

Grilled/Roasted Peppers
20  mini peppers, rinsed and dried completely
Cooking Spray

1. Heat a cast iron grill pan.
2. Spray with oil.
3. Place peppers on hot pan.
4. Keep turning till they get grill marks uniformly.
5. After cooking, you can cover the pan. So they will be cooked in the steam.
6. Store in a container for later use.

Note -
1. You can use these peppers for making chutney, salsa or use as a part of any salad.
2. Please note that these peppers are very mild.

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