Saturday, March 29, 2014

Paneer Cheese with Herbs





Whenever I get to visit Mumbai, I look forward to visiting  those quaint  restaurants and shops from my childhood. While my family and friends want me to visit new restaurants (think Main Land China, Olive and such...), I really want to visit those beautiful old eateries. On one such visit to good, old Parsi Dairy, I discovered their paneer laden with green chilies and cilantro. I don't remember now, what it was called. But it sure gave me an inspiration to try my own version.

Paneer Cheese with Herbs
Indian Cottage Cheesed with Herbs
4 cups 2 % milk
1 - 2 tbsp. lemon juice

A pinch of salt
1/2 tbsp. corn flour

Mix together and set aside
2 tbsp. minced cilantro
2 green chilies, minced
1/2 tsp roasted cumin seeds

1. Bring milk to boil.
2. Reduce gas and pour 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Milk will curdle immediately. If not, add more lemon juice.
3. Switch off the gas.
4. Strain the curdled milk to separate cheese and whey.
5. Hand pick if there are any lemon seeds. Tie in a cheesecloth and keep some weight on top to get rid of excess water.
6. Let it cool down so it's easy to handle.
7. Knead the paneer. Add salt, corn flour and herb mixture. Knead again till everything is nicely incorporated.
8. Spread in a plate and cover with a lid.
9. Refrigerate for an hour so it gets firm.
10. Now it's ready to use. Cut into squares and use for making pakodas, shashlik or kadai paneer.

Note -
1. Do not throw away whey. It is very healthful. So use for kneading dough for chapatis or use as a stock for making pulao, soups or curries.

Following recipes can be made using this Indian Cottage Cheese/Paneer with herbs:-
Paneer Shashlik
Paneer Pakoda (Coming soon)
Paneer Pavbhaji(Coming soon)

Parsi Dairy, Mumbai

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