Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sandgyanchi Amti

My best friend's mom, Kaku has shared her recipe with me for making "KohLyache Sandge" which is Maharashtrian equivalent of "Vadi/Badi" or "Vathal". I do plan to make them sometime in the future, but for now, I used the readymade sanDge from Bedekar Condiment House, Dadar, Mumbai.
The curry made from these saanDge is a very common GSB - especially Maharashtrian GSB preparation.
Kaku's SanDgyanchi Aamti
Ashgourd Fritters Curry
3/4 - 1 cup KohaLyache SaanDge (see below)
salt to taste
2 tsp jaggery or to taste
Grind to a coarse paste
1 cup freshly scraped coconut
1 tsp tamarind paste
5-6 byadgi chilies (roast before grinding)
1 tsp coriander seeds (roast before grinding)
water as needed
2 tsp oil (preferably coconut oil)
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
A spoonful of Coconut oil for roasting saanDge
1. Roast saaDge in a spoonful of coconut oil. Set aside.
2. Grind coconut mixture to a coarse paste, adding water as needed.
3. Heat oil - preferably coconut oil - in a saucepan. Add mustard seeds. As it splutters, add roasted sandge and give a quick stir.
4. Add ground coconut paste, jaggery and salt to taste. Add 1/2 cup water.
5. Bring to boil. Add more water if needed but do not make it of a thin consistency.
6. Simmer for few minutes.
Note -
1. Do not add too much water to this curry. This curry is not meant to have a broth like consistency. It's on thicker side.
2. Adjust jaggery and tamarind to your own preference. 
KohLyache SaanDge - 2 types
Back row - meant to be fried and eaten as an accompaniment with the meal
Front tow - meant for making curry
I got both of these from :-
Bedekar Condiment House
2/3 Ganga Niwas, Ranade Road, Dadar West, Mumbai

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